Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Need someone to make u complete???????

For past few days, i have been facing colliding thoughts that do i really need someone to make me complete, i believe to some extent at some point, yes we need someone to share. we all have purpose to live, making each other's life less difficult, isn't? so sharing your life with someone eases you a lot.... but what if you go ahead on that line & that person is so self-confined that it really invades you deeply....
I think you should be complete prior inviting somebody in ur life as nobody fills a void for you, as there will be times when you are alone & you have to get started yourself..... "EVERYTHING DIES ALONE"
Inter-dependence or moreover that symbiotic relationship is nice to have but it should not be the only thing for survival & sustainance. it is really hard to be solitary as human nature is not modelled for the same...... that why we say that man is a social animal but at the deep of my heart i feel that we need to be happy with self, im learning this.....
But how long, Need is such a strong word. Having someone in your life because you want to share your life experiences together . I don't think having someone really completes you, it may be more fulfilling as opposed to being alone for some.